
Upcoming events

Scouts Open Day 2024.pdf

Past events

Firework Update, Thursday November 2nd

Having assessed the river condition this evening we have made the decision to postpone our fireworks event by 1 week.

The danger presented by holding any event close to the fast flowing water is too big a risk to take. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, however safety must be our first thought.

If you have already purchased tickets and wish a refund please contact the person from whom you purchased before next Friday.

Fireworks event will now be on Friday 10th November, gates open from 7pm.

Kind regards,

1st Bungay (School) Sea Scouts Group

Visit Our Facebook For Updates.

We recommend buying your tickets in advance. To secure your tickets please contact 

Food and Drink

Burgers & Hotdogs - £3 (Vegetarian Options available)

All Drinks - £1

Campfire and AGM

8th September 2023 19:00 - 21:00

At the Boathouse

Cubs and Scouts Summer Camp 2023

25th August - 28th August 2023

Visit the events area on OSM for more details.


Come and visit us on the 8th of May 2023 down at the boathouse to find out how you can help.